The Internet Governance Forum


Welcome to the website of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), a multistakeholder platform that enables the discussion of public policy issues pertaining to the Internet. For more information on the IGF and its mandate, click here.                                                                                                        

The IGF Code of Conduct provides guidelines for participating in IGF meetings and processes.

To read more about IGF news and developments, you can follow us on Twitter or Facebook.   


The 2016 Internet Governance Forum (IGF): ‘Enabling Inclusive and Sustainable Growth’, is tentatively scheduled to take place from 6-9 December 2016 in Guadalajara, Mexico. The 2016 overall programme and intersessional activities are being built in a bottom-up manner in consultation with the growing IGF multistakeholder community, with an aim to enhance participation from stakeholders from developing countries, youth and those joining the IGF online.

Last December, the General Assembly endorsed the remarkable progress of the Internet and information and communication technologies at the overall review of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+10). As part of the outcome of WSIS+10, the General Assembly acknowledged the role of the IGF as a multi-stakeholder platform for discussion of Internet governance issues and decided to extend for another 10 years the existing mandate of the IGF. IGF work moving forward will also support the global effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), many of which relate in one way or another to the Internet and information and communication technologies.