Trainings for session organizers

The IGF annual meeting is composed of dozens of sessions predominantly hosted by the ‎multistakeholder networks of people and organizations from different parts of the world. In ‎order to contribute to the quality of the sessions, the IGF Secretariat hosts training for ‎session organizers, including rapporteurs and moderators, to ensure the formats of the ‎session are as attractive and effective as possible for all participants. In addition to live ‎trainings, several written documents are produced, such as the IGF Meeting Guide which ‎provides narratives for the IGF thematic focus, as well as the Guide on the participation ‎logistics.  ‎
Online trainings are organized for the session organizers and remote moderators, as well as ‎the rapporteurs, also regarding the technical hosting of the sessions.‎
The IGF Secretariat hosts webinars and town halls during each IGF cycle to engage session ‎organizers and participants into modalities of hosting the IGF and effectively participating ‎in it.‎

The information for IGF 2022 will be shared soon.