• Organisation
  • Open Forum Title
    Keystones to Foster Inclusive Knowledge Societies : Launching UNESCO’s Comprehensive Study on the Internet
  • Description
    UNESCO takes the Forum to launch its comprehensive Internet Study titled “Keystones to Foster Inclusive Knowledge Societies: Access to information and knowledge, Freedom of Expression, Privacy and Ethics on a Global Internet”, as mandated by its 37th General Conference Resolution 52 (2013). This major global study explores global perspectives on the new and emerging trends that are shaping the Internet space. The framework of investigating the four key fields for this report is that of Internet Universality. Based on all this, the draft report identifies a series of options for UNESCO. The study and its options follow an almost year-long process, which involved, inter alia, several rounds of consultation with Member States and other actors, as well as almost 200 major responses to an online questionnaire.
    UNESCO organized from 3 - 4 March 2015, an international multi-stakeholder conference of some 400 participants to discuss the first draft of the Comprehensive Study. With overwhelming agreement, an Outcome Document was adopted by UNESCO CONNECTing the Dots Conference and underscored the significance of the Internet for human progress and its role in fostering inclusive Knowledge Societies.
    Proposed in the Document is affirmation of the human rights principles that underpin UNESCO’s approach to Internet-related issues, and support for the Internet Universality principles that promote a Human Rights-based, Open Internet, which is Accessible to all and characterized by Multi-stakeholder participation (R.O.A.M). The Study and Outcome Document are presented to UNESCO’s Member States through the Executive Board Meeting and General Conference within 2015.

    All these documents are available at:
  • Speakers
    Chair: Lidia Brito, Director, UNESCO Office in Montevideo

    Rapporteur and Presenter of the Study: Xianhong Hu, program specialist, UNESCO

    Veridiana Alimonti, lawyer, integrator of Executive Coordination of Intervozes, Brazil Social Communication Collective
    Joseph Cannataci, UN Special Rapporteur on Right to Privacy
    Nigel Hickson, Vice President, IGO Engagement of ICANN
    Will Hudson, Senior Advisor for International Policy, Google
    Cristina Monti, Officer of Directorate General for Communications networks, Content and Technologies (DG CONNECT), European Commission
    Marc Rotenberg, President and Executive Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
    Giovanni Seppia, External Relations manager, EURid,
    Stefaan Verhulst, Co-Founder and Chief Research and Development Officer of the Governance Laboratory (GovLab), NYU
  • Background paper
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