Western European and Others Regional Group (WEOG)

 Current record of the existing national IGFs in WEOG regional group:

National IGFs in WEOG Regional Group

Name About Annual Meeting Information Annual Meeting
Australia IGF 

National Australia IGF was organized in 2012 year.

Its main aim is to create a unique space for different stakeholder groups to gather and discuss issues pertaining to the Internet in Australia. 

TBC 2021 
Austria IGF

Austria national IGF was established in 2015 year.

It  aims at creating an open discussion platform for representatives of different stakeholder groups on all relevant issues related to the management and further development of the Internet.

TBC 2021 
Canada IGF

National IGF of Canada was organized in 2011 year.

It represents a platform for a national discussion about Canada’s Internet future. This national IGF runs regular in-person meetings, annual national IGF meeting for all stakeholders and  a year-round discussion using social media on topics of interest to Canadians.

  24-25 November 2020,
hosted online

Denmark IGF

National IGF of Denmark was established in 2013 year.

It serves as a multistakeholder platform for discussing issues related to Internet governance, from the perspective of their respective community.

TBC 2021 
Finland IGF

National IGF of Finland was launched in 2010 year.

The main objective of this IGF is to bring into discussion focus national interest related to Internet governance.

TBC 2021

France IGF

French national IGF was established in 2015 year.

It aims for creating a multistakeholder process for its respective community to discuss issues pertaining to the Internet governance.

26-27 October 2020,
Paris, France
German IGF

German national IGF was created in 2008 year.

The purpose of the IGF-D is to foster the dialogue on concrete questions about the development of the Internet between the stakeholders and to unlock new potentials for Germany, as well as to prepare and strengthen the contributions of the German stakeholders at the European and UN Internet Governance Fora.

   10 September 2020,  hybrid meeting: online + onsite section in Berlin, Germany

Greece IGF

Greece national IGF was recognized in 2021. 

Its objective is to engage all stakeholders in a multidimensional and interdisciplinary discussion about Internet Governance, where all related procedures and the programme stem from the community itself.

2-3 October 2021,
Athens, Greece
Italy IGF

National IGF of Italy was organized in 2008 year.

It brings different stakeholders to discuss issues related to Internet governance, important for this respective community.

8-11 November 2021, Cosenza, Italy

Malta IGF

Malta national IGF was launched in 2011 year.

It is a national multi-stakeholder Forum where all stakeholder groups meet to discuss key issues associated with the Internet. Its aim is to provide a local forum that engages interested stakeholders in debate on Internet Governance issues.

TBC 2021 
Netherlands IGF

National IGF of Netherlands was established in 2010 year.

Its main objective is to bring the importance of the IGF to the attention of Dutch stakeholders. This is important in order to realize a firm embedding of the international results into a national policy, as well as to make the national voice heard internationally and to put important national themes on the international agenda.

TBC 2021
New Zealand IGF

National IGF of New Zealand was established in 2011 year.

It serves as a multistakeholder platform for discussing issues related to Internet governance, from the perspective of this respective community.

TBC 2021 
Portugal lGF

Portugal national IGF was established in 2010 year.

The main goal of this IGF is to bring different stakeholder groups on one place, to discuss national issues related to the Internet.

TBC 2021
Spain IGF 

Spain IGF was established in 2007.

It is a decentralized space for the debate of public policy issues that promotes the sustainability and solidness of the Internet. It provides a platform to encourage discussion among different stakeholders and it gives voice to the Spanish society in international fora in the field of Internet governance.

22 - 23 October 2020,
hosted online
Swiss IGF

Swiss national IGF was established in 2015 year.

It aims to enable different Swiss stakeholders to interactively discuss among themselves, topical questions concerning governance of the Internet.

     21 June 2021,
hosted online

United Kingdom IGF

National IGF of United Kingdom was organized in 2009 year.

Its aim is to provide a local forum in the UK that engages different stakeholders in a debate on Internet Governance issues, as well as encouraging partnerships and coalitions that deliver solutions and demonstrate best practice for others to learn from.

20-21 October 2021,
hosted online

United States of America IGF

National IGF of the United States of America was organized in 2009 year.

It represents a multistakeholder effort to illuminate issues and cultivate constructive discussions about the future of the Internet. It provides a domestic forum in the USA to engage, helping to create partnerships, coalitions and dialogues that demonstrate best practices and help move policy forward.  

14-15 July 2021,
hosted online

Note: The above information are being published as received.

In case you would like to organize a national IGF, or to engage in any of the existing ones, please contact the IGF Secretariat at: agengo[at]unog[dot]ch.

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