IGF 2015

The IGF held its 10th annual meeting on the theme, "Evolution of Internet Governance: Empowering Sustainable Development", in João Pessoa, Brazil, on 10 to 13 November 2015.

IGF focused on a range of sub-themes, including Cybersecurity and Trust; Internet Economy; Inclusiveness and Diversity; Openness; Enhancing Multistakeholder Cooperation; Internet and Human Rights; Critical Internet Resources and Emerging Issues. 


10th IGF Chair's Summary

IGF2015 Photos

IGF 2014

The Ninth Annual IGF Meeting was held in Istanbul, Turkey on 2-5 September 2014. The overarching theme for the meeting was: "Connecting Continents for Enhanced Multistakeholder Internet Governance" with the following subthemes.

The final Chair's Summary of the Ninth IGF Meeting is available. 



Workshop Evaluation Forms are available (archived).

The IGF 2014 Evaluation Survey is available (archived).

Session transcripts and recordings

Transcripts of IGF 2014 sessions are available (archived) - or search for the session title on the top right searchbox in this page.

For corrections in the transcripts, please contact the IGF Secretariat at [email protected]

Video recordings of the IGF 2014 sessions are available (new window).

Session reports

IGF 2014 session reports are available. 

IGF 2014 List of Participants

IGF 2014 preparatory process


IGF 2013

Online MAG meetings summaries:

Summary of online MAG meeting, of 18 December 2013.
Summary of Informal Online Meeting, 3 December 2013

The MAG held a first stock-taking meeting on 5 November. A summary record of the virtual meeting is available. 

All stakeholders are encouraged to to assist the IGF self-evaluating itself and improving each year. To this effect, they are called on to fill in the overall evaluation survey as well as  the workshop evaluation form

The IGF 2013 annual meeting in Bali, Indonesia concluded on 25th October.


The list of speakers for the Opening Ceremony/Opening Session and Closing Ceremony are available with bios.

The schedule is available in Excel, HTML and PDF.

The Seventh Internet Governance book - Internet Governance for Sustainable Human, Economic and Social Development - is now available. 

National and Regional IGF initiatives

All organisers of national and regional IGF initiatives are kindly requested to respond to this survey

Public Input

The IGF Secretariat made a call for relevant policy questions to shape the discussions. The policy questions as a result of that request for input are now available

Remote participation:The links to the virtual rooms for each session and the transcripts are available for viewing.  

The Seventh Internet Governance book - Internet Governance for Sustainable Human, Economic and Social Development - is now available. 

Interim Chair

Under-Secretary-General Wu Hongbo has appointed Mr. Markus Kummer as Interim Chair of the Open Consultations and MAG meetings. [PDF]

A synthesis paper reflecting all inputs received by the Secretariat is available.

Under-Secretary-General Wu Hongbo has issued an official invitation.


All participants to the IGF 2013 workshops are encouraged to fill out the workshop evaluation form to assist the IGF self-evaluating itself and improving each year by ensuring that all workshops are of the highest quality.

Workshop Evaluation

 A provisional list of participants of the IGF2013 meeting is available.

Internet governance meetings 2013

IGF 2012

The Seventh Annual IGF Meeting was held in Baku, Azerbaijan from 6-9 November 2012. The main theme for the meeting was: ‘Internet Governance for Sustainable Human, Economic and Social Development’.

The chairman summary is available.

The Declaration of the Baku High Level Ministerial Meeting on "Addressing the Challenges of a Hyperconnected World" is available.

The list of speakers at the Seventh annual IGF meeting closing ceremony is available.

The list of speakers at the Seventh annual IGF meeting opening session is available.

The list of participants of the meeting is available.

 The Webcast Archive for IGF2012 is available. The videos are  uploaded on the IGF YouTube Channel.



The transcripts for the workshops and other sessions are also available.

Workshop Reports and Gender Report cards:

In order to submit the workshop reports and gender report cards, please log in on the IGF website and go to your workshop page and click on "Edit". You can find the Report and Gender Report cards fields on that page.



The schedule for the 7th IGF annual meeting is available [updated 09/11/2012]

pdf file of panellists' biographies is available for download.


IGF 2011

The Sixth Annual IGF Meeting was held in Nairobi, Kenya on 27-30 September 2011 at the United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON). The theme of the meeting was: 'Internet as a catalyst for change: access, development, freedoms and innovation'.


[NEW] Webcasts of the Sixth Annual IGF Meeting in Nairobi are being made available on the IGF YouTube channel. Due to technical difficulties, some of the videos are not yet available. Please refer to this link to find a list of videos that have not yet been uploaded.


The completed Chair's summary of the Sixth Annual IGF Meeting is available.


You can now submit your workshop report online. To access the guide for submitting workshop report please click here.


Transcripts for the Sixth Annual IGF Meeting in Nairobi are available here.

Opening Ceremony

Main Sessions

Closing Ceremony





The IGF 2009 Meeting

The fourth annual IGF Meeting was held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt on 15-18 November 2009.

The overall theme was: ‘Internet Governance – Creating Opportunities for All’

The completed Chairman's Summary is available here.

The archive of the live webcast (main sessions and workshops) of the IGF Meeting can be found at: http://www.un.org/webcast/igf/ondemand.asp

Videos and pictures can be found in our social media section [Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, YouTube]

  • Organizers of workshops and other events are kindly requested to file their reports by the new extended deadline of 18 January 2010. Submission of a report is a pre-condition for being granted a slot at the 2010 meeting.
  • Submitted Workshop reports are available here.

Transcripts of all main sessions are available

Second IGF Meeting: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The second meeting of the IGF was held in Rio de Janeiro on 12-15 November 2007.

The overall theme was: 'Internet Governance for Development'

The Chairman's summary of the meeting is available.

Transcripts of the following main sessions are available:

The schedule for the Rio de Janeiro meeting is available here. A printable version is also available.

All organizers of workshops, best practice forums, open forums and dynamic coalition meetings are invited to upload reports of their meeting using the web interface they used to provide their session information. (In case of technical difficulties they may contact the IGF Secretariat at [email protected]). 

Submitted event reports can be viewed here.

All the main sessions were video cast and all other sessions were audio cast. All web casts will be made available on the IGF web site in due course.

Some of the statements and interventions that were made during the various sessions can be read here.

A list of registered participants for the meeting can be viewed here.

The breakdown of attendance by region and stakeholder group is available. 



The final version of a synthesis paper that summarizes the content of contributions received as well as the discussions of the open consultations is now available in all UN languages:

[عربي] [中文][English] [Français] [Русский] [Espanol]


Advisory Group

The mandate of the Advisory Group for the Internet Governance Forum has been renewed. The press release announcing the new mandate can be viewed here. The list of members is available here.

The Advisory Group met in Geneva on 4 - 5 September 2007. The agenda is available here.

A summary report of the meeting is available.

A new version of the draft programme, as revised by the Advisory Group, is available here.


The Secretary-General's invitation

The Secretary-General has issued an invitation to all stakeholders to attend the second meeting of the IGF, hosted by the Government of Brazil. The meeting will take place in Rio de Janeiro on 12 - 15 November 2007.


Consultations on Programme and Schedule

The full transcript of the consultations of 3 September is available. The audio and video archives will be made available in due course.

A draft agenda for the open consultations is available.

A second round of consultations open to all stakeholders was held in Geneva on 23 May 2007. The consultations were part of a cluster of WSIS related events which took place in Geneva from 15-25 May, 2007. A full transcript of the proceedings is available.


Taking Stock of the Athens Meeting

A stock taking session took place in Geneva on 13 February 2007.

The full transcript of the meeting is available for download and the Chairman's closing remarks can be downloaded separately for easy access. The Web cast of the session can be accessed here and a list of participants is available. Audio recordings of the interventions are also available.

A synthesis paper summarizing contributions submitted by stakeholders was made available prior to the meeting.