IGF Schedule


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Sessions below are presented in your currently selected Time Zone: (you can change it by ).

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IGF 2022 WS #335 FR: Fragmented Reality. New Horizons of Digital Distrust
Banquet Hall A |
IGF 2022 WS #485 Overcome effectiveness challenges in CNs' project
Banquet Hall B |
IGF 2022 WS #309 Access to remedies in safeguarding rights to privacy & data
Press Briefing Room |
IGF 2022 Open Forum #48 Internet Society Open Forum "Protecting the Internet"
Large Briefing Room |
IGF 2022 Open Forum #29 GPAI: A Multistakeholder initiative on trustworthy AI
Caucus Room 11 |
IGF 2022 High-Level Leaders Session III
CR1 |
IGF 2022 WS #71 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly; online gender violence
CR4 |
IGF 2022 WS #70 Fighting the creators and spreaders of untruths online
CR3 |
IGF 2022 Town Hall #91 The war in Ukraine and the disinformation war
Banquet Hall A |
IGF 2022 Open Forum #84 Digital Education and the Future of Women’s Work
Large Briefing Room |
IGF 2022 Open Forum #64 Spotlight on AI-driven content governance in times of crisis
Caucus Room 11 |
IGF 2022 WS #247 It is for all: Meaningful access and affordable Internet
Banquet Hall B |
IGF 2022 WS #354 Affective Computing: The Governance challenges
CR5 |
IGF 2022 WS #66 Reassessing Government Role in IG: How to embrace Leviathan
Large Briefing Room |
IGF 2022 WS #500 Role of Community to Achieve Universal Acceptance
Banquet Hall B |
IGF 2022 Open Forum #40 An internet that empowers all women: can we make it happen?
Press Briefing Room |
IGF 2022 Open Forum #25 Explore the road of intelligent social governance in advance
Banquet Hall A |
IGF 2022 WS #269 Data privacy gap: the Global South youth perspective
Banquet Hall A |
IGF 2022 Open Forum #101 Open Forum on Technical Standard-Setting and Human Rights
Banquet Hall B |
IGF 2022 Open Forum #70 Open Forum: Shaping digital platforms for the public good
Caucus Room 11 |
IGF 2022 Open Forum #35 The Digital Public Goods Charter – Committing to the Future
Press Briefing Room |

IGF Administered Sessions

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