The national IGF of Haiti will be hosted on 28 June 2024 in Port-au-Prince. For more information, please visit
Event Calendar
The annual meeting of West African IGF will be hosted on 11-12 July 2024 in Dakar, Senegal. For more information, please visit  
Event Calendar
The Afghanistan IGF hosts its annual meeting online from Kabul on 15-18 September 2024. For more information, please visit
Event Calendar
The SEEDIG hosts its annual meeting in Belgrade, Serbia on 25-26 November 2024. For more information, please visit
Event Calendar
The national IGF of Panama will be hosted on 24 July 2024 in Panama City. For more information, please visit
Event Calendar
The  IGF 2024 Youth Track takes off on 17 June 2024 at 14:30 UTC+3 at EuroDIG in Vilnius, Lithuania, and online! Everyone is invited to join the first capacity development workshop in the AI-themed track, focused on “AI…
Event Calendar
Draft Agenda: Adoption of the draft agenda Update from the Secretariat Intersessional Event at the 2nd Open Consultations and MAG meeting Joint Dynamic Coalition Booth proposal Any other business  
Event Calendar
The Policy Network on Internet Fragmentation (PNIF) is kicking off its 2024 activities with a first webinar on 19 June! Webinar: ‘Avoiding Internet fragmentation. Still a matter of concern in 2024?' When the PNIF launched in 2022, it was…
Event Calendar
The first meeting of the Policy Network on Meaningful Access will be hosted online on 11 June 2024 at 11:00 UTC. Its main objective is to discuss the 2024 Process and Work Plan. This call is open to anyone interested to join as an observer.…
Event Calendar
The IGF Secretariat is pleased to invite all stakeholders to participate in its session at the WSIS+20 Forum on Tuesday 28 May, 14:15-15:00 UTC: “Advancing the GDC Principles and WSIS Action Lines – IGF Policy Work and Mechanisms in Support of…
Event Calendar
The IGF Secretariat is pleased to invite all stakeholders to participate in its session at the WSIS+20 Forum on Thursday 30 May, 8:00-8:45 UTC: “Journey to ‘Building Our Multistakeholder Digital Future’ – Looking ahead to IGF 2024” The WSIS+20…
Event Calendar
Youth Myanmar IGF will host its online meeting in Chiang Mai (Thailand) on 3-4 August 2024. For more information, please visit    
Event Calendar
The Benin Youth IGF will be hosted on 27 July 2024 in Cotonou and Parakou. For more information, please visit  
Event Calendar
Draft Agenda: Adoption of the draft agenda Welcome from the MAG Chair and Host Country Co-Chair Updates from the Secretariat o    Overview of IGF 2024 Session Submissions and next steps o    Draft Agenda…
Event Calendar
The second edition of the SIDS IGF will take place on 28-29 May 2024 in Antigua and Barbuda. For more information, please visit
Event Calendar