Slovenia national IGF was organized in 2016 year. Its goal is to gather different stakeholder groups in Slovenia, to discuss relevant Internet governance issues and seek for potential solutions.
IGF Initiatives
National IGF of Hungary was established in 2019. Its multistakeholder Steering Committee facilitates an open and inclusive, bottom-up process for everyone to engage in discussions on Internet governance.
IGF Initiatives
Azerbaijan IGF was established in 2014. The main goal of this Initiative is to provide an open and transparent platform for all stakeholder groups to bring up and discuss the Internet governance related issues.
IGF Initiatives
Albania IGF was established in 2017. Its objective is to create an Internet governance discussion platform for all stakeholder groups of this respective country.
IGF Initiatives
The national IGF of Pakistan was established in 2017 year. It aims for creating a platform for discussion, dialogue, exchange and collaboration on Internet Governance issues.
IGF Initiatives
National IGF of Nepal was established in 2017. Nepal IGF Declaration indicates that the main objective of this IGF is to promote and encourage open and inclusive dialogue and exchange of ideas among all stakeholders involved with Internet governance…
IGF Initiatives
SAIGF was convened in 2012 year. It aims for fostering the engagement of the community members in a discussion on Internet governance.
IGF Initiatives
The Hong Kong sub-regional IGF was established in 2019. Its core objective is to provide a dialogue platform for the multistakeholder community to address issues related to Internet Governance and facilitate the exchange of opinions.
IGF Initiatives
The Youth Observatory aims to connect youth from various countries and regions in Latin America. It is focused on knowledge-sharing and enhancing youth engagement in Internet governance-related processes.
IGF Initiatives
The YCIG is one of the IGF Dynamic Coalitions focused on supporting youth participation in local, regional and international Internet governance discussion and processes.
IGF Initiatives
Youth IGF Movement aims to give the opportunity of equal multistakeholder participation in the building process of the Information Society to teenagers and young people from different countries of the world. It was created in 2011.
IGF Initiatives
The Indonesia Youth IGF was established in 2018. It has the nature of an aggregator platform, and its main purpose is to ?gather youth movement having interest on internet governance issue.
IGF Initiatives
IGF Initiatives