IGF 2024 Sessions

The IGF 2024, under the overarching theme "Building our Multistakeholder Digital Future" and featuring four subthemes, will take place in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 15 to 19 December 2024. The list of sessions to be featured in the IGF 2024 programme are available below.

The list of all received session proposals can be viewed here.

High-Level Leaders' Sessions

​​​​​​The list of High-Level Leaders' Sessions will soon be published.

Main Sessions

The list of Main Sessions will soon be published.


The list of accepted workshops for the IGF 2024 programme that have been selected by the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) at its Second Open Consultations and MAG Meeting is published here.

Open Forums

The List of accepted Open Forums will soon be published.

Launch and Award Sessions

The list of accepted Launch and Awards will soon be published.

Lightning Talks

The list of accepted Lightning Talks will soon be published.

​​​​​​​Networking Sessions

The list of accepted Lightning Talks will soon be published.

​​​​​​​Dynamic Coalition Sessions

The list of accepted Dynamic Coalition sessions will soon be published.

National and Regional IGF Initiative Sessions

The list of NRI sessions will soon be published.

Pre-Events (Day 0 Events)

The list of accepted Pre-Events (Day 0 events) will soon be published.