Comoros IGF

Comoros national IGF was established in 2022. Its main goal is to create an inclusive platform for all stakeholders of this respective community to discuss the issues related to Internet governance.

IGF 2023 Second Open Consultations and MAG meeting

IGF MAG Renewal 2024
General guidance and notes to take into consideration regarding nominations for a position on the MAG

Call for Nominations for the 2024 Internet Governance Forum Multistakeholder Advisory Group‎ 

IGF 2023 Youth Track Workshop I

[You Are Invited]

Please join us for the first capacity development workshop of the IGF 2023 Youth Track hosted at EuroDIG!

Nurturing Digital Well-being
Addressing the Impact of the Digital Environment on Youth Mental Health

19 June 2023 at 12:30 UTC | Tampere, Finland, and Online via Zoom*
*To access the Zoom links, please register for EuroDIG on to receive a personalized access link.

Through dialogue between youth and senior stakeholders, a network of Youth IGF coordinators will explore the impact of the digital environment on the mental health of young people and discuss policy measures to mitigate potential negative effects. Experts who will set the stage are Ms. Jutta Croll, Chair of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety; and Ms. Emilia Zalewska from Polish Youth IGF and Youth Coalition on Internet governance. Many Youth IGF coordinators and other stakeholders will also share their views.
This is the very first capacity development workshop leading to the IGF 2023 Global Youth Summit in Kyoto, Japan.

We look forward to connecting with you onsite in Tampere or via Zoom. Please be free to share this invite with your networks.

IGF 2023, under the theme "The Internet We Want - Empowering All People" and featuring eight subthemes, will take place in Kyoto, Japan, from 8 to 12 October 2023.