IGF 2023 Networking Session Proposals Received

Open configuration options

The IGF is actively engaged with and acts as a reference point on digital policy for UN System bodies in several ways. 

The IGF has been closely interlinked with, and is a central component of, recent UN initiatives aimed at tackling digital issues of global concern and fostering digital cooperation. Below are operative paragraphs highlighting the IGF's role within both the UN Secretary-General's Our Common Agenda report and Roadmap for Digital Cooperation

Below are the workshops selected for the IGF 2023 programme by the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAGat its Second Open Consultations and Meeting on 10-12 July 2023.

Below are contributions in writing, statements, presentations and/or resources provided as inputs by UN entities in the IGF's open consultations with stakeholders:

IGF 2024 Second Open Consultations - 26 June 2024

The following are written updates and resources on Internet governance-related activities submitted as inputs by international organisations to the IGF 2023 First Open Consultations & MAG Meeting (8 March 2023, Vienna):