IGF 2023, under the theme "The Internet We Want - Empowering All People" and featuring eight subthemes, will take place in Kyoto, Japan, from 8 to 12 October 2023. The following are all session proposals received in response to the

Below are the Dynamic Coalition sessions selected for the IGF 2023 programme.

The Dynamic Coalition sessions are listed thematically.

Below are the Launch & Awards selected for the IGF 2023 programme.

The Launch & Awards are listed thematically.

Below are the Networking sessions selected for the IGF 2023 programme.

The Networking sessions are listed thematically, with programme sub-themes.

Below are the Lightning Talks selected for the IGF 2023 programme.

The Lightning Talks are listed thematically, with programme sub-themes appearing from most to least populated. 

Below are the Day-0 Events selected for the IGF 2023 programme.

The Day-0 Events are listed thematically, with programme sub-themes appearing from most to least populated. 

Below are the Town Hall sessions selected for the IGF 2023 programme.

The Town Hall sessions are listed thematically, with programme sub-themes appearing from most to least populated. 

Below are the Open Forum sessions selected for the IGF 2023 programme.

The Open Forum sessions are listed thematically, with programme sub-themes appearing from most to least populated.