In 2022, the Policy Network on Meaningful Access and its Multistakeholder Working Group of Experts (PNMA MWG) agreed on three overarching thematic workstreams:

Kyrgyzstan IGF

The national IGF of Kyrgyzstan was established in 2023. Its main goal is to facilitate an open and inclusive platform for all stakeholders to discuss digital public policy.

Organizations interested in arranging Pre-events or 'Day 0' Events are invited to submit requests for a session slot through the application e-form.  

All recognized DCs are invited to submit requests for a session slot through the application e-form.  

Networking sessions are interactive gatherings of stakeholders interested in the same or a similar issue on Internet ‎governance. Their open (in the case of face-to-face events - open-seating) formats are spontaneous ‎and can serve as icebreakers, prompting quicker ways for people to get to know each other. ‎Networking sessions are also a suitable session type for social gatherings, or for gatherings of people ‎and organizations from a particular region, stakeholder group, or area of activity.‎