

Alisa Heaver


Mozambique IGF

This year's meeting of the Mozambique IGF will be held 8-9 December in hybrid format. The meeting will review and bring together work from the provincial meetings held in Maputo, Sofala, and Cabo Delgado, as well as the global IGF

To follow online, please visit: Meeting Registration - Zoom.

For more information and updates, please visit: FGIMZ

Abdulrahman Almutairi

New Mission Statement for the Internet Standards, Security and Safety Coalition's Working Group 2

Profile picture for user scholtesikorsky_polly

The Internet Standards, Security and Safety Coalition's (IS3C) Working Group 2 (WG2) has published its new mission statement. WG2 focuses on education and acquisition of skills to be safe and secure in the digital world. This new mission statement details the group's goals for the year 2023. 

Please find below the closed sessions included in the IGF 2022 programme (for Parliamentary Track sessions click here).

Please be advised that participation is upon invitation only. If you are an invitee, please contact the session organizer for remote access.