West African IGF

The West Africa Internet Governance Forum (WAIGF) will be hosted in Accra, Ghana, from the 26-27 May 2022 in a hybrid format. WAIGF 2022 aims to promote Internet Governance issues in West Africa through a multi-stakeholder process. More information is available at https://waigf.org/

Serbia IGF

The national IGF of Serbia was recognized in 2022. Its main objective is to creat an open, inclusive, public, open, constructive and useful process to help shape the national digital policy and create conditions for further digitalization whilst preserving the rights of citizens.

The IGF Secretariat's activities are funded through extra-budgetary contributions paid into a multi-donor Trust Fund administered by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs - UNDESA (please see HERE for more information on how to donate).

Annual IGF meetings have been held since 2006 thanks to the generous support of IGF host governments, who bear most of the meeting costs. These are the host countries, meeting locations and dates by year:


SEEDIG Summary of IG Updates

A new SEEDIG summary of Internet governance issues is available!

Issue no. 55 of the SEEsummary, published on 10 May 2022,  covers Internet governance and digital policy developments that occurred in South Eastern Europe and the neighbouring area (SEE+) in February and March of 2022. Also included: a list of upcoming events later in 2022 and available development opportunities.