IGF 2021 HIGH LEVEL EXCHANGE PANEL: Building equitable employment conditions and competences for the future of work

With emerging technologies already impacting the global labour market and some of their practical applications and risks still to be discovered, acquiring talent, and maintaining employees competent to deal with technological developments is strategically important. Access to technologies will tend to be less of a challenge than finding the manpower able to exploit them. Talent drains are common in the digital sector, as is difficulty finding the equitable conditions to manage labour-employer relationships.

IGF 2021 HIGH LEVEL EXCHANGE PANEL: Cities United: connected, green and inclusive

The spatial distribution of the world’s population continues to change. In 2000, around 47 per cent lived in urban areas. That proportion increased to 55 per cent in 2018. The global share of the urban population is projected to rise further to 60 per cent by 2030. By then, one-third of the world’s people are estimated to be living in cities with at least half a million inhabitants.  

IGF 2021 HIGH LEVEL EXCHANGE PANEL: Creating sustainable value and inclusive society – the role of digital platforms

The Internet serves as the primary tool both for mass and point-to-point communication, and as such it provides the global infrastructure for the information society. Innovations based on information and communication technologies (ICTs) empower individuals to exercise their rights and provide an opportunity for institutions to mobilise collective actions, by putting megabytes of information and knowledge right at their fingertips, wherever they live, work or operate. However, connectivity is not sufficient on its own.

IGF 2021 HIGH LEVEL EXCHANGE PANEL: Global economic recovery – where are we at?

The fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need to take concerted action to revive the stifled global economy and unlock growth factors in both developed and developing countries. Global economic growth was uneven even before the pandemic, as was progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Countries now have a chance to leverage the economic recovery as an opportunity towards sustainable and inclusive development.  

Vietnam Youth IGF

The Youth IGF of Vietnam was recognized in 2021. It serves as an inclusive platform for all stakeholders to discuss Internet governance issues of youth priority in Vietnam.