Day 2 > | Day 3 >> Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland Tempus Room 1 COVID-19 information Hosted in a hybrid format The purpose of the Third Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2021 Open consultations and Multistakeholder…
Event Calendar
The 2022 annual meeting of Trinidad and Tobago IGF will be hosted in Port of Spain on 27-29 January 2022. For more information, please visit:
Event Calendar
  ''Our Digital Future'' Addressing Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity Capacity development workshop series focused on developing countries The first workshop will be hosted on 8 September 2021 at 12:30-14:00 UTC …
Event Calendar
The seventh meeting of the PNE Multistakeholder Working Group (MWG). The Meeting is open to interested observers. The agenda will be posted prior to the call. About the PNE About the PNE Multistakeholder Working Group
Event Calendar
The fourth meeting of the PNMA Multistakeholder Working Group (MWG) is taking place on 16 September, at 10:00UTC. This meeting is open to anyone interested to join as observer. The agenda will be posted prior to the call in the dedicated mailing…
Event Calendar
The fifth meeting of the PNMA Multistakeholder Working Group (MWG) is taking place on 14 October, at 13:00UTC. This meeting is open to anyone interested to join as observer. The agenda will be posted prior to the call in the dedicated mailing list.…
Event Calendar
The sixth meeting of the PNMA Multistakeholder Working Group (MWG) is taking place on 18 November, at 10:00UTC. This meeting is open to anyone interested to join as observer. The agenda will be posted prior to the call in the dedicated mailing list…
Event Calendar
The seventh meeting of the PNMA Multistakeholder Working Group (MWG) is taking place on 16 December, at 13:00UTC. This meeting is open to anyone interested to join as observer. The agenda will be posted prior to the call in the dedicated mailing…
Event Calendar
Draft agenda: DC main session at IGF 2021 DC paper AOB (Details shared via the DC Coordination list.)
Event Calendar
 When: Sep 23, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC  Register in advance for this meeting:  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email…
Event Calendar
MEETING INPUTS IGF 2021 Preparatory and Engagement phase - Draft Programme MAG 2021 Issue Teams - Central Document IGF Main Session Guidelines IGF 2021 Issue Areas/ Wikis Descriptions/agendas for the introductory sessions…
Event Calendar
 IGF 2021 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP AT ASIA PACIFIC REGIONAL IGF (APrIGF)  This workshop will serve as a roundtable exchange with experts from the IGF’s policy network on environment (PNE). The overall discussion…
Event Calendar
The Youth LACIGF will be hosted online on 8 and 9 October 2021. For more information, please visit
Event Calendar
AGENDA Welcome from the MAG Chair Updates from Host Country Updates from the Secretariat IGF 2021 preparatory and engagement phase Confirming the new dates for the introductory sessions Presentation of the final proposals for…
Event Calendar
The 2021 edition of the Pacific IGF will be hosted in Suva in Fiji, from 6 to 11 September 2021. For more information about the meeting, including the agenda and how to register, please visit
Event Calendar