SUPPORTING SCHOOLS ON INTERNET GOVERNANCE Digital Inclusion for All Digital policy and related processes are continuously changing as digital technologies are emerging and becoming more and more integrated in people's lives. Much of the…
Event Calendar
Draft Agenda  Welcome from the chair Updates from Host Country Updates from the Secretariat  IGF 2021 preparatory and engagement phase                         …
Event Calendar
IGF 2021 capacity development session at the West African IGF This will be a roundtable exchange with experts from the IGF’s policy networks on meaningful access and the environment. The overall discussion will start with a concrete visual…
Event Calendar
''Our Digital Future'' Addressing Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity Capacity development workshop series focused on developing countries   The second workshop of the series of workshops 'Our Digital Future' will be hosted on 2…
Event Calendar
The first annual meeting of the Southeast Asia IGF will be hosted in Bali, Indonesia from 1 to 2 September 2021. For more information, please visit
Event Calendar
The Gambia national IGF is hosted in a hybrid format in 30 and 31 August 2021. For more information, please visit
Event Calendar
The national UK IGF will be hosted online on 20-21 October 2021. For more information, please visit:
Event Calendar
The Honduras IGF will be hosted online from 15 to 19 November 2021. For more information, please visit
Event Calendar
Draft agenda Brief updates on DC paper & IGF 2021 preparatory phase DC main session at IGF 2021 AOB Participation details available to DCCG members via the DCCG mailing list.
Event Calendar
Part of the webinar series organised by the Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, the event aims to bring together young people, policymakers and experts from around the world to discuss and engage in dialogue on the key themes of the…
Event Calendar
Part of the webinar series organised by the Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, the event aims to bring together young people, policymakers and experts from around the world to discuss and engage in dialogue on issues related to …
Event Calendar
The fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will be hosted by the Government of Germany in Berlin from 25 to 29 November 2019. The second face-to-face 2019 Open Consultations and…
Event Calendar
The second Open Consultations and Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) meeting of the IGF 2018 preparatory cycle will take place 11-13 July in Room XI at the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), Switzerland. The Draft Agenda is…
Event Calendar
The national IGF of Madagascar will be hosted online. It will feature a series of online sessions. The first one will be hosted on 11 August 2021 at 12:00 UTC. For more information, please visit:
Event Calendar