How can young people participate in the IGF 2020 preparatory process? Learn more about the youth track at the IGF 2020 in Poland, Katowice (2 - 6 November). Register in advance for this meeting:…
Event Calendar
Input Documents/Links:   IGF 2020 Timeline (last update: 12 February) Call for workshops timeline (1-week extension)
Event Calendar
Input Documents/Links:   IGF 2020 Timeline (last update: 12 February) MAG Working Groups: Overview of the IGF 2020 working groups (longer version of the overview is available here) Taskforce on Language: Working…
Event Calendar
Event Calendar
What to expect from the IGF 2020 and how to engage in its preparatory process? Chat with the IGF 2020 Host Country - Government of Poland; MAG Chair and the IGF Secretariat. Register in advance for this meeting:…
Event Calendar
Input Documents/Links:   IGF 2020 Timeline (last update: 12 February) MAG Working Groups: Taskforce on Language: Working suggestions; Terms of Reference Other: NRIs update to MAG  
Event Calendar
 Join the meeting via this link:  .
Event Calendar
Event Calendar
Input Documents/Links:   IGF 2020 Timeline (last update: 12 February) ​Proposed narratives from the MAG WG on four themes: Data: proposed narrative (facilitators: Chenai Chair; Maria Paz Canales) Inclusion: proposed…
Event Calendar
Event Calendar
Event Calendar