Digital transformation is a complex process that carries enormous potential for human development and economic growth but is not free of challenges. A combination of factors includes but is not limited to: Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)…
Ceremonial/HL Session
We all live in a digital world that we want to see as open and safe. We all wish to trust and to be trusted. How can we create a safe digital environment in which long-established and start-up businesses can grow? How do we ensure no one is left…
Ceremonial/HL Session
Ceremonial/HL Session
For more than two decades, the United Nations family of specialized agencies, Funds and Programmes, and Secretariat entities have been supporting Member States to harness digital technologies for sustainable development.  This support has been…
Ceremonial/HL Session
Digital transformation is revolutionising ways of doing business across all sectors and disciplines. Emerging technologies carry an enormous potential for positive change in terms of promoting resilience, sustainability and inclusion. But this…
Ceremonial/HL Session
With emerging technologies already impacting the global labour market and some of their practical applications and risks still to be discovered, acquiring talent, and maintaining employees competent to deal with technological developments…
Ceremonial/HL Session
The Internet serves as the primary tool both for mass and point-to-point communication, and as such it provides the global infrastructure for the information society. Innovations based on information and communication technologies (ICTs) empower…
Ceremonial/HL Session
The spatial distribution of the world’s population continues to change. In 2000, around 47 per cent lived in urban areas. That proportion increased to 55 per cent in 2018. The global share of the urban population is projected to rise further to 60…
Ceremonial/HL Session
Facilitated by MAG Issue Teams Introducing IGF 2021 issue areas - presentation followed by interactive discussion (i) Inclusive Internet governance ecosystems and digital cooperation; and (ii) Trust, security, stability >>… <p><strong><a href="">Join Here</a></strong></p>
Specific Session
Facilitated by MAG Issue Teams Introducing IGF 2021 issue areas  (i) Emerging regulation: market structure, content, data and consumer/users rights regulation and (ii) Environmental sustainability and climate change >>… <p><strong><a href="">Join Here</a></strong></p>
Specific Session
Facilitated by MAG Issue Teams IGF 2021 – Official Opening of the IGF 2021 Preparatory and Engagement Phase - IGF 2021 Preparatory Sessions on (i) Universal access and meaningful connectivity and (ii) Economic and social inclusion and human… <p><strong><a href="">Join Here</a></strong></p>
Specific Session
What is the NRIs Coordination Session? It is an established practice that the NRIs summarize the work year at the end of each IGF annual cycle, and describe goals achieved, challenges and suggestions for the next IGF cycle and beyond. The NRIs…
Specific Session
Facilitated by IGF Secretariat, IGF PNE The PNE Team will present their draft report and collect participant feedback for incorporation, before submitting their final draft at the 16th IGF.   <p><a href=""><strong>Join Here</strong></a></p>
Specific Session