This session will explore how technologies are used and developed throughout the world to measure, understand and fight the impacts of climate change and mobilize to keep the globe from warming above 1.5 °C.  Panelists will showcase solutions and…
Main Session
Internet Fragmentation - Is Digital Sovereignty the Problem or the Solution? This main session focuses on the debate surrounding Internet Fragmentation. The Internet Governance community has advocated for and strives to maintain the integrity of a…
Main Session
Global Digital Cooperation is a defining aspect of our time. Cooperation within and between the public, private and civic sectors through multistakeholderism, including the whole world, is essential to the future we want. This session will build on…
Main Session
Emergency situations can be described as any situation in which the life, rights or well-being of ‎people ‎can be put under threat unless immediate and appropriate action is taken. Usually, ‎these types of ‎situations require application of… .
Main Session
IGF 2018 Report “Emerging Technologies: Fostering benefits, managing risks through multistakeholder governance” - Session Type: Panel discussion - Main Session - Title: Emerging Technologies: Fostering benefits, managing risks through…
Main Session
Media as a Cornerstone for Peace - The Assault on Media Freedom and Freedom of Expression Globally, there are growing concerns of Freedom of Expression and Media Freedoms as Surveillance, Censorship threaten media freedom which restricts its role…
Main Session
IGF MAIN SESSION ON CYBERSECURITY, TRUST & PRIVACY Cybersecurity and privacy practices that can build trust and ensure growth and prosperity for all Tuesday, 13 November, 10:00-11:20 (80 minutes), Salle I Brief description /…
Main Session
IGF 2018 Main Session  Development, Innovation & Economic Issues - Focus on the SDGs Effective policies for inclusive and prosperous digital transformation – what’s needed? Tuesday 13 November, 15.00-16.20 - 80 minutes…
Main Session
IGF 2018 Pre-report Main Session Human Rights, Gender and Youth #HRGenderYouth #IGF2018 Session Title: The importance of human rights as a direct link to Gender, Youth and Equality Date: Tuesday, 13 November, 2018  Time: 16:30 to 17…
Main Session
Main session on Technical and Operational Issues Content Blocking and Filtering: a challenge for Internet growth 1.     Title/Date and Time/Length of the Session Title: Content blocking and filtering: a challenge for Internet…
Main Session
IGF 2018 Main Session:   Accessibility and Digital Inclusion 1. Title, Date, Time, Format and Venue, Facilitators Title: Accessibility and Digital Inclusion Date: 14 November 2018 Time: 11:30am - 12:50pm (80 minutes) Format…
Main Session
The Lightning session will look into the follow up of the NetMundial Multistakeholder Conference and the Sao Paulo Declaration from 2014. It will call to kick start am evaluation process of the Sai Paulo document to prepare a review…
Lightning Session
Subtheme: Child Online Safety The session will shed light on the iinterrelatedness between the Domain Name system and children's rights. It will elaborate on the various options to ensure children's rights to freedom of information, to…
Lightning Session
  - Title:  Emerging Technologies and Rights Future - Organizer(s): Dynamic Coalition IRPC  - Chair/Moderator: Hanane Boujemi  - Rapporteur/Notetaker: Minda Moreira - List of speakers and their…
Lightning Session