Dans le monde de plus en plus numérisé, les gens ont besoin de compétences et d'alphabétisation numériques pour travailler, vivre, apprendre et communiquer de manière productive. Pour réduire le risque d'exclusion… Cette session couvrira ces 3 ODD.
Accès à une éducation de qualité.
Égalité entre les sexes.
Réduction des inégalités.
Specific Session
IGF Village is the meeting point of every annual IGF meeting. Over 70 different organization are displaying their Internet governance-related work at this year's virtual IGF Village.
Join us for a tour of the Village and have a direct…
Specific Session
Specific Session
Specific Session
The BPF on BPFs, and initiative launched by the MAG in January 2020, reviewed the IGF Best Practice Forums as a whole, in terms of their effectiveness as a tool for the IGF to structure intersessional work.
With the input from those… An open discussion to prepare for the BPF 2021 cycle based on the finding and recommendations in the report by the BPF on BPFs 'Reviewing past Best Practice Forums (BPFs) to enchance future BPF work'.
Specific Session
Community-facilitated networking break
Access Now
The global and interoperable nature of the internet is at risk. From tech used to shut down the internet, to proposed changes to internet architecture and protocols to enable surveillance and…
Specific Session
This is a moment to discuss freely and in interactively about the future of Internet Governance with citizens.
We take as a basis the recent Global Citizens' Dialogue on the Future of Internet and want to discuss next…
Specific Session
This session's goal is to provide an interactive space for stakeholders from the Global South to share their insights about the regulation of Artificial Intelligence around the southern hemisphere. We'll use a jamboard to collect inputs and share insights and impressions about them in Zoom. If you want to connect with stakeholders from the global South and exchange ideas and knowledge about the AI regulatory race, we'll be delighted to have you!
Specific Session
Community-facilitated Networking Break: Present and Future of the IGF for Women and Gender Diverse People
Youth Observatory
Right now women and gender diverse people are being included as an essential part of the conversation in all… This session was rescheduled for 16th November from 11.20 to 12.10 UTC. You can find the session here:
Specific Session
Networking Break facilitated by EuroDIG
EuroDIG Get Together
Review of virtual meetings in the region and sharing views on the vIGF.
Specific Session
Youth Observatory
Right now women and gender diverse people are being included as an essential part of the conversation in all aspects of society, the IGF is not far from that, but there's work to be done in order to gain more inclusion for this… Right now women and gender diverse people are being included as an essential part of the conversation in all aspects of society, the IGF is not far from that, but there's work to be done in order to gain more inclusion for this big part of the population, especially gender diverse people that tend to be underrepresented. That's why we proposed this session open to everyone as a space to talk and meet how we, women, and gender diverse people, live and envision IGF and the Internet Ecosystem
Specific Session
This is an informal networking space for all participants to engage with the IGF Secretariat and Chair of the MAG to provide feedback on IGF 2020.
What has worked well for you and what could be improved?
Specific Session
Contribute to shaping the next Stockholm Internet Forum during this open networking session with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Sida and the organisers of next year's event. and
Specific Session