This session looks European policy and practice initiatives combating hate speech launched in past years to address the risks hate speech online poses to human rights and societies. It focused on three areas: Prevention Measures; Protection: Self…
The Chair of the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group and the IGF Secretariat will guide the IGF 2020 participants through the overall structure and programme of the 15th Annual IGF Meeting. This interactive session will also allow all…
Specific Session
This is an informal space for IGF 2020 participants to exchange views on the IGF 2020 thematic tracks. As a base for this discussion, it is recommended to consult the IGF's draft guide on issues and themes:…
Specific Session
Celebrate linguistic diversity in the IGF! Participants will first enter the room, share in the chat what "their own language" is (or languages) and then will have the option to join a breakout room where they can interact with others in the same language.
Specific Session
This is an informal, networking space for IGF 2020 participants to learn more about the concept and work of Dynamic Coalitions (DCs) from DC facilitators.  Who are DCs? What do they do? About DC's working methodology How…
Specific Session
This is an informal, networking space for IGF 2020 participants to learn more about the concept and work of national, regional and youth IGFs (NRIs) from the IGF Secretariat/NRIs Focal Point and participating NRIs coordinators.…
Specific Session
WOMEN IN TECH: PAVING THE WAY FOR NEW GENERATION OF WOMEN LEADERSHIP Talking about gender equality, the lack of women in the tech industry seems to be the largest problem looming overhead as there is more and more discrimination report on the recruitment and hiring process for women, whether based upon race or gender.
Specific Session
IGF Village is the meeting point of every annual IGF meeting. Over 70 different organization are displaying their Internet governance-related work at this year's virtual IGF Village. Join us for a tour of the Village and have a direct…
Specific Session
This session is an opportunity to interact with the teams coordinating the work of this year's Best Practice Forums (BPFs) . Draft report of the four BPFs and the report of the BPF on BPFs are available on the website: BPF Cybcersurity… This session is an opportunity to interact with the teams coordinating the work of this year's Best Practice Forums (BPFs): BPF Cybersecurity BPF Local Content BPF Data and New Technologies BPF Gender and Access
Specific Session
Community-facilitated networking break: Dynamic Coalition Data Driven Health Technologies  Social networking session / open house for Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies The main session of the Dynamic Coalition on… This is an engagement of stakeholders to discuss, in a social / informal setting the Value Propositions for stakeholders in the EHealth Space. We will get to know each other, then decide on 3 to 5 EHealth Values to be discussed in depth, within breakout rooms. Each group will report back to the full group towards the end of the session with a few summary words of their discussions. There is also a main session Nov 4,1600 hrs UTC by the Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Heath Technologies.
Specific Session
This is an information networking space for IGF 2020 participants to liaise directly with the Chair of the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) and the Group's Chair. What does the MAG do? Who are the members? How to become a member…
Specific Session
Celebrate linguistic diversity in the IGF! Participants will first enter the room, share in the chat what "their own language" is (or languages) and then will have the option to join a breakout room where they can interact with others in the same language. People who are learning one of these languages are also welcome! LANGUAGES ON TUESDAY 10 NOVEMBER: Arabic, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and English.
Specific Session