>> MODERATOR: Hi, I will host this session for IGF.  I have a question.  And we will wait for two more, is that correct?  Or can you tell me, please?      >> WIM…
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  >> PAULA MARTINS: Good morning.  Welcome, all.  We hope you can give us a few minutes, we're solving some final technical issues because we want you all to see each other and to be able to speak when you want to share your…
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  Had to recognize some safety delivery workers that have trade union are represented by that.  And then we have another new type of which is called app which is process that is really interesting because it's workers that are…
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       >> MODERATOR: Good evening, good morning, good afternoon, traditional greeting on these online meetings.  Welcome to the panel security of digital products the role of digital security in enhancing trust…
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  >> Hello, good morning. >> Good morning, Alexandre. >> We can start now.  You can start, please.  I hope you don't have, do you need a interpreter? >> ALEXANDRE BARBOSA: No. >> You can…
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  >> Do we have captioning working?  And ready to go?   >> MODERATOR:  Good morning, everybody.  Good afternoon and good evening.  Wherever you are in the world.  Welcome to our session…
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            >> This is where the SDG9 and 4 meet. Yes, the pandemic, COVID‑19 situation is happening worldwide. But the education hasn't stopped. So how do we achieve sustainability…
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>> YANG LIU: I'm a speaker for this session.  Welcome to everybody for joining us in the early morning, also all of the different places. We start with a very brief introduction of ourselves. I'm a professor located in Shanghai,…
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>> SABRINA VORBAU: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this IGF workshoP titled, The Revolution Won't Be Televised but Social Mediatised.  Thank you for joining.  My name is Sabrina Vorbau, a Project Manager at European Schoolnet in…
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       >>  And the U.N. rules of regulations. Thank you. The moderator, can you take over?        >> BRENDEN KUERBIS: Thank you, secretariat. Welcome, everybody, to workshop…
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  >> You can start as soon as you want.  Please go to the list of attendees and promote to panelist anyone who needs to be there. >> BARBARA WANNER: I think you all should be able to speak. >> Hello. >>…
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  >> TATIANA TROPINO: I'll kick the ball and give it over to Hanane. >> HANANE BOUJEMI:  Thank you very much.  Tatiana.  I'm just waiting for the sign we're ready to go.  If we're ready to. >>…
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  >> Whenever you want, we can start if you want. >> You can start sharing your screen at the moment. >> Good morning, good afternoon to everyone.  Welcome to all the people that has joined us in this very…
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>> The captioning is AI technology, right?  Because this is the future for the platform, right?  We already ‑‑ we have experience at AI. >> ANJA GENGO:  That is true yes, although we're still Hume.  We have humans…
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  >> EDUARDO BARASAL MORALES: Thank you.  I'm going to share my screen. Good morning, everyone.  Thank you, all, for coming to our workshop, Believe it or not, the Internet Protocol is on Sale.  We're very grateful…
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