>> MODERATOR: Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you are.       My name is Marie-Laure Lemineur.  I will be the moderator of the session.  I work for an organization call ECPAT…
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    >> MODERATOR: Hello, everybody and welcome to the session of the Dynamic Coalition on Internet Governance.  The first online DC session and we are pleased to have the full session looking at one of the key themes in IGF…
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>> AVRI DORIA:  It leaves us with about a minute.  Okay.  Okay.  It's now 10 minutes after the hour.  I ask one more time and then perhaps I'll ask again later, but if any of the attendees who isn't already a panelist…
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  >> TRACY HACKSHAW: Welcome, all, to our annual Dynamic Coalition of Small and Developing States meeting.  Good to see you all today.  Just for those that just joined us, as you see, all panelists, it means that we're…
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   >> LUCA BELLI:  It looks like we can get started.  Good morning, to everyone and welcome to the 2020 session of the IGF Coalition on Net Neutrality.  We have today a quite wide and diverse set of panelists, and we…
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  >> CHRISTOPHER YOO:  As the dictator of this panel, I was thinking you could share with us the order. >> FRANK ANATI:  Starting the streaming now.  So we can begin in 10 seconds.  We are live. >…
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    >> MODERATOR: Welcome to the launch of the information internet standard security and safety.  I would like to remind you all that this meeting is being recorded and will be available at IGF YouTube channel. …
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   >> GERRY ELLIS: Let's go then.  Good morning, good evening, good afternoon, good night from wherever you are in the world from Gerry Ellis here in Dublin, Ireland.  Welcome to the DCAD Session at IGF 2020, our strange…
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  >> GEMMA CAROLILO:  Hi.  Can you hear me? >> GIOVANNI RIMASSA:  Good morning, everyone.  Welcome to this open session, the Open Forum that will deep with the technology landscape that was set up in…
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    >> MODERATOR: Hello, good day.  This is Luis.  It seems that there is no analysts here.  Maybe it is you?  Who is running the session?      >> No, it is not me.  …
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       >> MANDY CARVER:  Good day, everyone.  My name is Mandy Carver and I'm the Senior Vice‑President for IGO Engagement at ICANN.  Welcome to ICANN's Open Forum at the IGF.  This year's theme is…
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  >> ELLIOT MAYHEW: Hello.  Welcome to the session.  We didn't get much of a practice run.  So I guess we can just kick it off if you guys are comfortable with that, Joanna and Chris. >> CHRISTOPHER PAINTER: Yep…
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     >> MARTHA STICKINGS:  Okay.  Good evening, or at least evening where I am here in Vienna, and welcome to the session on Human Rights and Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Health.  We at the…
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  >> MODERATOR: We have a couple minutes to go technically, and officially our panel kicks off in five minutes.  We'll give it another couple of minutes then we'll kick off. >> TECH SUPPORT: Good afternoon, good morning…
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  >> KEVIN CUNNINGTON: Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Online Safety Panel.  I'm your chair for this panel.  If I may, I'll spend a couple minutes describing why I'm here today and why I'm passionate about this subject…
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