>> SAJDA QUACHTOUKI: Hi, everyone. Time to get started. Thank you for being here on our business innovation s and digital inclusion. You'll hear from experts from across the world how they're innovating in the digital space and increasing…
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>> Okay.  Testing the mic.  1, 2, 3. Okay.  Can we have everyone come to the top table, please.  We will be starting soon. Okay.  We will start in two minutes.  We will start in two minutes. >>…
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>> MODERATOR:  Hello?  Okay.  We will begin our workshop. Okay. All right.  Thank you. All right.  So, good morning.  Thank you for attending our workshop this morning and my name is Li Yuxiao, the…
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>> Hello.  It's great to have you here to welcome you to our workshop.  It's a great pleasure also to have such a wonderful panel here which is I would say at least very gender‑diverse.  And we have quite a regional diversity,…
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>> MODERATOR:  (Speaking off mic) >> Oh, the mic. >> MODERATOR:  (Speaking off mic)  Okay.  It's on.  Okay.  Thank you.  So, in this session, we are going to talk about closely about…
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>> MODERATOR:  Hi.  We're going to start in a few minutes.  This is just technical settings here with the remote participation. Okay.  So, hi, everyone.  Thanks for coming and joining us in this panel.  I'm…
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>> GUILHERME CANELA GODOI:  So good afternoon, everyone.  Thank you for being here in one of the last sessions of the day, but I am sure as you're going to see it, it's a very interesting and perhaps even unique session considering…
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>> MODERATOR: Hello, everybody. We'll start the session now. We would love to have your thoughts on artificial intelligence SDGs. Hello, everybody. How are you doing? A long day. Okay. Today is our session on artificial intelligence for the…
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>> ELIZABETH STUART:  All right.  Good morning, everyone.  Can I encourage people who are sitting to the outside of the room, can I gently encourage you to come and sit at the desk, around the tables here so that we can feel…
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>> MODERATOR:  Okay, everyone.  Let's have a seat.  Good morning, everyone.  My name is Marc Nelson.  I am the director for the Center for International Media Assistance in Washington D.C.  I am here representing…
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>> Inclusivity about sustainable and trustworthy. Are right at the heart of what digital identity is all about. And so if we look at this discussion today, and think that by 2024 there may be 5 billion people who are in some way using digital…
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>> CATH CORINNE:  This seems to be working.  Good morning, everyone.  Thanks so much to coming to this Round Table on how to really do AI governance beyond voluntary ethics frameworks.  I want to extend a special welcome to…
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>> MODERATOR: Good morning, everyone.  We will start the next session now.  Good morning, everyone.  Good morning, good morning, good morning.  I would like the people at the end of the hall to please allow us to start the…
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>> MODERATOR: Good morning, those here for the cyber norms workshop, let's begin as soon as possible.  We only have one hour and a lot of things to discuss, so we are starting on time. (Audio skipping) >> MODERATOR: It evolves…
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>> MODERATOR: Hello, everybody.  Dear guests, welcome to our session, How and Why to Involve Perspectives of Children Effectively.  My name is Daniela.  I'm media policy advisor of Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk.  A German…
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