IGF 2017 Registration

IGF onsite participants are kindly requested to register by 4 December 2017, 23:59 p.m. UTC-12
IGF online participants can register at any moment until the end of the 12th IGF, in order to access the event online

Please use forms below to:
- Register as regular onsite participant (for Geneva, Switzerland) (Registration CLOSED)
- Register as online participant (for accessing by laptop, smartphone or similar device) (Registration CLOSED)

Please note that it is possible to be registered both as online and onsite participant.

For PRESS/MEDIA accredited participants only, special limited onsite registrations can be requested directly at UN Accreditation System.

Note: You will need to login to your IGF Community profile in order to register for IGF 2017.
If you do not have a personal IGF Community profile yet, create one now: it will allow fast registrations, proposal submissions, commenting, setting site preferences and more.