Kleinwaechter Wolfgang (Mr), University of Aarhus, Germany

Stakeholder Group: Civil Society

Region: WEOG


Wolfgang Kleinwaechter is a Professor for International Communication Policy and Regulation at the Department for Media and Information Studies of the University of Aarhus in Denmark.

He is involved in Internet Governance issues since the early 1990s. He active participated in the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), where he was a member of the UN Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG), in the Internet Governance Forum, where he was the special Adviser to the Chair from 2006 - 2011 and in ICANN, where he chaired, inter alia, the Nominating Committee (NomCom) and is since 2011 member of the GNSO Council. He is also a member of the “Panel of High Level Advisers” of the “Global Alliance for ICT and Development” (GAID), a co-founder of the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EURODIG) and a member of the UN CSTD IGF Improvement Working Group. In 2009 the Council of Europe appointed him to chair the COE Cross Border Internet Expert Group. He is chair of the IOT Governance Sub-Group of the EU Taks Force on the Internet of Things and worked as evaluator in the EUs Safer Internet Action Program (SIAP).

In the academic world, Wolfgang Kleinwächter is an elected member of the International Council of the “International Association for Media and Communication Research” (IAMCR) and a partner in the EU FP 7 project “Next Generation Internet/EURO-NF” where he is a member of the Steering Board and leads a special research project on “Governance and Privacy Implications of the Internet of Things”. He is the founder and chair of the “European Summer School on Internet Governance” (EURO-SSIG), has testified in hearings in the Deutsche Bundestag and the European Parliament and has published and edited more than 200 articles and 12 books.