The discussion will be facilitated by the on site moderator who will use an online platform, called, to present the policy questions that will be debated by panelists and audience.
The Covid19 pandemic has demonstrated that free and non-discriminatory Internet access is essential. This session will discuss the importance of the various facets of Internet openness at times of crisis. Panellists will discuss case studies,…
DC Session
This meeting continues groundbreaking work drawing links between environmental sustainability and human rights. Its focus is Article 4 of the Charter of Human Rights and Principles for the Internet in light of the urgent need to identify and rectify…
DC Session
This panel will discuss the evolution of the concept of work in the digital economy, how the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated trends towards teleworking arrangements, and the discrete ways in which internet governance will need to evolve to keep…
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted crucial questions around access to key digital resources and services at a time of crisis. This session takes stock of emergency responses of libraries, governments, publishers and other key stakeholders - and their…
DC Session
This session will constitute our annual meeting to update the DC-Sustainability members on important developments since we launched at IGF 2019. It will also provide space to present the outcome of our 2020 action plan, which we devised in December…
DC Session
The protection of Data on the Internet is today one of the most important concerns of Internet users. Repetitive breaches of the users’ data made their privacy flouted. Several attempts to put regulations for the protection of users’ data on the…
Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, evidence on pattern of online offending, risks to children online, and on prevalence of different forms of online harm was already available however the circumstances created by this crisis seem to have exacerbated the…
DC Session
This session aims to provide an overview of the IXPs as vital elements of the Internet infrastructure to keep Internet connectivity in times as the Covid-19 crisis and extreme forms of government control over the Internet. With this purpose, this…
An interactive session on Enhancing efficient computing, production, and consumption across sectors in the present scenario.
This session will address the current state of the multiple ongoing dialogues at the United Nations (UN) related to cybersecurity and responsible state behavior online, and facilitate a discussion about opportunities for greater multistakeholder…
This session aims to share insights on (1) digital skills, (2) health, (3) community networks, based on 120 case studies on ICT-based initiatives from 50 countries and to provide practical takeaways for practitioners.
DC Session
Closing the gap to improve accessibility for persons with disability is the key focus of the Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability (DCAD). This session brings together disability experts presenting their experiences of online meetings…
DC Session
This session will convene participants from different sectors, regions, and professional backgrounds to foster an overarching discussion on the risks, opportunities, gaps and possible solutions for all the issues the context of emergencies raises to…
This 'birds of a feather' session aims to map key policy ‘crossroads’ for environmental justice and internet governance. The workshop will be framed by the following questions: 1. How are environmental rights intersecting with…