This workshop is planned to be an interactive session with meaningful discussion, and the discussion will be facilitated in the following ways.
The diversity of speakers as we list above will enable diversified perspectives and views to be shared,…
How can access to data in low resource languages be strengthened? What policy measures can strengthen AI-driven innovation for reinforcing multilingualism online? The session will present projects from Africa and Asia on developing and using…
Session focus is trust & CBM in cyberspace in the context of Africa. Space to discuss issues of trust that hinders the use & utilization by AUC member states of the advanced data-driven digital services, such as IOT, big data, AI & ML…
The internet space is an extremely multi-threaded and complex process that is very closely related to social development. Recognising the extent of the internet, it is crucial for everyone to learn to govern this digital revolution in their everyday…
There are many exciting examples of how technology can help society address envirnomental challenges. There also are ways the technology sector can reduce its impact on the environment as well as help other sectors of the economy to do the same.…
Although the rapid development of 5G mobile networks has brought greater challenges to energy consumption control, the opportunities brought about by 5G new technologies on sustainable development issues cannot be ignored.To understand the impact of…
This workshop will explore the potential of AI to create solutions for global public emergencies and build some good governance models of AI.
This workshop will examine how trust in global ICT supply chains – and the ICT products and services they are developing, deploying, and provisioning – can be strengthened through objective, risk-informed, and verifiable assurance and transparency…
Open Data is data which is made accessible and available in a standardized machine-readable format and under a license that allows it to be re-used and re-shared. Open data policies should be able to provide frameworks for opening up access to…
In the session Building digital bridges: engaging young women online, we will learn how contextualized approaches to bridging the digital gender divide can lead to the empowerment of (young) women’s voices online. Three speakers will introduce…
The global COVID-19 crisis has brought into sharp focus many unresolved challenges relating to Children’s Rights in a digital context, including questions around protection and participation. This session will follow a debate format with speakers…
International experts and advocates with disabilities, have come together to discuss how COVID 19 has affected persons with disabilities and how pandemic has changed the narrative around planning for services and support. This session will bring…
The session will discuss a very popular and timely issue, namely the power of social media. The way individual users or groups use social media platforms to influence and shape the public opinion of users and their followers. The session will offer…