Avoiding Internet Fragmentation
IGF 2022 WS #66 Reassessing Government Role in IG: How to embrace Leviathan
Anriette Esterhuysen, civil society, Association for Progressive Communications
Bu Zhong, Civil Society, Hong Kong Baptist University
IGF 2022 WS #342 Protecting a Global Internet in an Age of Economic Sanctions
Jane Coffin, Connect Humanity;
Nathalie Jaarsma, Dutch Ambassador at-Large for Security Policy and Cyber
IGF 2022 WS #475 Balancing Digital Sovereignty and the Splinternet
Wolfgang Kleinwächter (Professor Emeritus from the University of Aarhus, Director on the ICANN Board (2013 – 2015) and a Special Ambassador of the NETMundial Initiative (2014 – 2016). Co-founder of the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EURODIG), the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GIGANET) and the Summer School on Internet Governance (SSIG))
IGF 2022 WS #458 Do Diverging Platform Regulations Risk an Open Internet?
Organizer 1: Marjorie Buchser, Chatham House
Organizer 2: Yasmin Afina, Chatham House
Organizer 3: Jacqueline Rowe, Global Partners Digital
Organizer 4: Rowan Wilkinson, Chatham House
Organizer 5: Alex Krasodomski, Chatham House
IGF 2022 WS #422 Toward a Resilient Internet: Cyber Diplomacy 2.0
Koichiro Komiyama, Technical Community, Asia and the Pacific Group
IGF 2022 WS #405 Splintering from the core up? Fragmentation and Standards
Stacie Hoffmann, Digital Standards Strategy Lead, Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS), UK (Government, WEOG)
Carl Gahnberg, Director, Policy Development & Research, Internet Society (Technical Community, WEOG).
Tommy Jensen, Senior Technical Manager, Microsoft (Private Sector, WEOG).