Lightning talks are fully in-person events that are brief, to-the-point, prepared presentation on a specific Internet governance issue.

Stakeholders with demonstrated interest in Internet governance and who can clearly outline the Internet governance-related objective to be achieved through this session, are invited to submit requests for session slot through the application e-form.  

These types of sessions serve to launch an Internet governance-related initiative or publication, or to host award ceremonies. Proposals should clearly state the relevance to Internet governance and the IGF themes. 

All stakeholders are invited to submit proposals for workshops 

Stakeholders are invited to apply to organize different types of sessions at IGF 2024 within the deadline: 5 May 

Youth Panama IGF

The Youth Panama IGF was established in 2024. It is a multistakeholder inclusive platform for discussion of Internet governance issues with and for youth. 

To further develop the IGF Youth Strategy, and continue engaging youth in IGF processes, the IGF ‎Secretariat, in collaboration with the current IGF Host Country and all Youth IGF ‎coordinators, is designing and implementing the IGF Youth

Lesotho IGF

The national IGF of Lesotho was recognized in 2024. Its main aim is to raise awareness about the importance of Internet governance and to facilitate an open and inclusive dialogue among all stakeholders, on Internet-related policy issues.

The 19th annual IGF meeting will be hosted in a hybrid format. The meeting will aim at accommodating the participation of stakeholders present onsite in Riyadh or participating online in an equitable manner. The overall objective is to make participation in IGF 2024 meaningful and inclusive for all participants.