Mano River Union IGF

The Mano River Union sub-regional IGF was recognized in 2024. Its main objective is to create an inclusive platform for all stakeholders to discuss Internet governance issues of priority from the region and beyond.

IGF 2024 MAG Virtual Meeting II

Draft Agenda:

  1. Adoption of the draft agenda
  2. Welcoming remarks from the MAG Chair
  3. Updates from the Secretariat    
  4. Updates from Leadership Panel Activities              
  5. Selection of MAG Working Groups          
  6. Policy Networks and Best Practice Forums: the way forward  
  7. Letter to the High-Level Advisory Board on AI           
  8. Any other Business       

Meeting Input:

IGF 2024 First Open Consultations and MAG meeting

In recent years, the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) has sought to strengthen the participation of parliamentarians in discussions on some of the most pressing issues related to the use, evolution and governance of the Internet and related digital technologies.

IGF 2024 MAG Virtual Meeting I

Draft Agenda:

  1. Adoption of the draft agenda
  2. Welcoming remarks 
    • from the MAG Chair
    • from the MAG co-chair
  3. Updates from the MAG Chair
  4. Updates from the Secretariat
  5. IGF 2024 Timeline
  6. MAG Working Groups
  7. Best Practice Forums and Policy Networks
  8. MAG input to “The Internet We Want” vision paper
  9. Any other Business

Meeting Input: