IGF 2021 received Lightning Talks proposals
ID | Organization | Title | Note |
1 | Mauritius IGF |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #1 Future of Internet Governance in Africa: Children & Sextortion | |
4 | InternetNZ |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #4 Coordinating digital inclusion efforts in New Zealand: Digital Equity Coalition Aotearoa | |
8 | ARTICLE 19, Office for Mexico and Central America |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #8 Tackling digital and social inequalities in a "combo" approach: Why we need to aim higher than technosolutionism? | |
9 | farsight security |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #9 when surveillance capitalists redesign tcp/ip |
10 | Internet Society of China |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #10 Accelerating Information Accessibility for the Ageing Population | |
13 | University College London - Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP) |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #13 Exploring Co-Regulatory Mechanisms on Platform Governance in the Indian Policy Context | |
20 | Media Matters for Democracy |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #20 Connecting The Disconnected: A documentary on internet shutdown in Gilgit Baltistan | |
22 | INTA |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #22 Online Trust: Insights from Gen Z | |
24 | Mitzi László |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #24 The Internet as a Public Utility | |
27 | IEEE |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #27 Rebuilding Trust: A Path Toward More Holistic Cybersecurity | |
29 | Center for Technology and Society/FGV Law School |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #29 "I silenced myself": Brazilian female activists' perspectives on online targeted harassment | |
30 | Elena Tairova: Expert in digital strategy, data policy & regulation with +10 years of experience. Co-founder & CEO of Kelp.Digital. Leila Iruzun: MSc in Organization & Business Economics, MIT Digital Transformation program. +5 years of experience in the field. Head of Business Operations at Kelp.Digital. |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #30 Digital creative market: how can we protect users and ensure freedom in light of the new EU Copyright Directive? | |
32 | Queer in AI / Youth SIG |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #32 AI vs. Our Bodies: Queering AI | |
35 | eSafety Commissioner |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #35 Australia’s approach to regulating online harms – navigating the great balancing act of the digital age. | |
38 | The IO Foundation |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #38 Project Lockdown: Using data to assess the impact of policies on human and digital rights. | |
40 | Open Internet Democracy Initiative |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #40 The unexplored Dichotomy of Internet Access and Online Hate | |
43 | Gato.Earth |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #43 Creative strategies to tackle the intersection between digital technologies and the climate emergency | |
44 | Beyond.pl |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #44 Green data processing for sustainable growth | |
49 | Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #49 We are coding feminist AI in the Global South! | |
53 | International Federation of Film Producers Associations [FIAPF] Bertrand Moullier, Senior Advisor International Affairs, International Federation of Film Producers Associations [FIAPF], WEOG, Private Sector Dana Pohl, Head of Projects, Polish Producers Alliance [KIPA], WEOG, Private Sector |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #53 - Local Audiovisual Content for Local Cultures - What Role for the Internet? A Discussion with Sarah Migwi, Co-founder & Managing Director, Protel Studios Ltd, Nairobi, Kenya | |
54 | Open Earth Foundation |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #54 The Key Role of Internet Governance in Building a Global Climate Accounting System | |
60 | Institute for Internet & the Just Society |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #60 The role of privacy in antitrust policy in highly data-driven markets | |
65 | Freedom House |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #65 Freedom on the Net: The Best and Worst Practices in Internet Regulation | |
67 | Polylat |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #67 Overcoming knowledge gaps for effective policy | |
69 | Internet Society |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #69 Measuring Internet Resilience and Shutdowns: An overview of Internet Society's Pulse platform | |
70 | Creative Poland Association Cezary Szymanek - journalist, the deputy Editor-In-Chief of the "Rzeczpospolita Daily" and the Editor-In-Chief of the rp.pl* Paula Rossa - a lawyer at Creative Poland Association |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #70 Artificial intelligence in creative industries. The potential for development or a threat to human creativity. | |
71 | Creative Poland Association Cezary Szymanek - journalist, the deputy Editor-In-Chief of the "Rzeczpospolita Daily" and the Editor-In-Chief of the rp.pl. In 2015 joined the Gremi Media Publishing House. Worked as Editor-In-Chief of the "Succes" magazine, head of the information department at Radio PiN and host of the "Gość Radio PiN" programme. On ITI Group waked as programming director of the tenbit.pl and the author and producer of a programme under the same title on TVN. In the past, he was also associated with TVP1, RTL 7, Radio ZET and Radio Kolor. Szymanek is the winner of The National Bank of Poland Władysław Grabski Award for the best economic journalist and "Ostre Pióra", a distinction awarded by the Business Center Club. Paula Rossa - a lawyer at Creative Poland Association, expert in the field of intellectual property law. She is a PhD candidate in the Intellectual Property Law Cathedral of Jagiellonian University of Cracow. As a field of research she chose Digital Single Market and copyright. Arbitrator and mediator at SARA The Court of Arbitration of the Audiovisual Market. She has also extensive experience in advising entrepreneurs in the creative industry. |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #71 New technologies as a challenge for the sustainable access and circulation of cultural goods. | |
74 | Paradigm Initiative Civil Society African |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #74 Introducing RIPOTI Platform and AYETA Toolkit | |
75 | Data Privacy Brasil Research Association |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #75 Police, law enforcement and data protection: regulating investigations for procedural justice and as a fundamental human rights | |
76 | Consumer Reports |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #76 Platform Responsibility for Dangerous Products | |
78 | Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC) |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #78 Digital accessibility is a right: keys to building accessible digital environments | |
79 | Pirate Parties International |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #79 Legalize File Sharing! The Case of European Citizen Initiative "Freedom to Share" | |
80 | INAI |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #80 Data Governance in Mexico | |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #81 Encryption and human rights: towards a total obligation to protect privacy and freedom of expression. | |
85 | INHOPE |
IGF 2021 Lightning Talk #85 Rapid notice & takedown - the key to getting child sexual abuse off the internet fast |